Fox'n'Flea Textures!
Welcome! This is a simple page dedicated to "homemade" textures for the PF Magic game, Petz.
The in-game textures are somewhat limited, so I'm hoping to create a collection of free to use external textures which can spice up your hexing.
Each texture will be pictured applied to a Labrador base for ease of comparison.
The only rule for using them is that you give credit and, if possible, show me the results! You can email me on or find me on Whiskerwick as jem
So.. onto the textures!
New as of 05 Aug 2016.

Click to download these 4 textures
This is a collection of bright, fun and funky textures you wouldn't find on a real animal.

Click to download the full unnatural texture set.
Who doesn't love a bit of black, grey and white?

Click to download the full monochrome texture set.
Blondes, browns and greys, oh my! Okay, so some of these might not look completely natural but they're here anyway.